I love that people have been sending me pictures and screen shots of their Ubuntu 1501 setups. I want to write an article on mine and others. So, please send me some pictures/screen shots and anything about Ubuntu on the Dell 1501 that you want to share. All I ask is you tell everyone what's running on your desktop, send me your background image if you want to share it, and maybe a brief paragraph on why you chose Ubuntu on the Dell 1501. You can really just write as much or as little as you want. This is just a chance for you to show off your cool and personalized setups. Everyone knows mines is pretty much the standard gnome desktop.

edited by pHreaksYcle
Nice minimalistic desktop. I was using Beryl with XGL and found it to be a little on the sluggish side on the Inspiron 1501, so I reverted back to a desktop like yours.
Anyone else find Beryl somewhat sluggish on the Inspiron 1501? It's probably because of the shared memory with the video card (onboard).
not really i have 2GB of RAM, turned off window previews/thumbnails, mipmaping and don't use window animations for everything. beryl runs quite well and isn't sluggish.
Ah you've added an extra 1024MB of RAM.
First I would like to say a BIG THANKS. Great blog.
And Beryl works great with all those fading effects and elastic windows.
I don't see too much of a lag. It takes a little bit longer to boot up in XGL than a basic gnome. I have 1GB. How much mem do you have aaron?
BTW Reddead, what is the name of the transparent system monitor you have?
sudo apt-get install conky
gkrellm is the system monitor on the right and the background is a terminal with a completely transparent background using devilspie to remove the window border. Got various things running in the system tray. Using Alltray to keep Democracy player and Evolution in there. The background is the top of a half drunk pint of beer...
I ended up on Ubuntu because I got frustrated with Fedora and I'd heard it was easy. Now I love it! I got a 1501 because my old laptop died and I needed a nice new laptop quickly and cheaply and Dell fit that perfectly. Your blog has been awesome and great for getting stuff just how I want it :D
Here's mine:http://img452.imageshack.us/img452/7650/screenshotel2.png
Mine has 1.5GB and the Turion MK-36, so only a step up from the sempron people. I have used 64bit, but reverted to 32bit after many compatibility issues with it. I do however miss the baking and rendering speeds I used to have in blender. I bought the bigger battery giving me about 6hours battery life \o/. Desktop is compiz fusion , as it has many features to streamline window management, and some eyecandy. I have tried Vista, bleh! Sluggish and nagging, every time I move a folder I have to hit continue twice. Vista is so stupid, it saw my system was dell and gave me an OEM key even though I had torrented the iso, hehe. Mustr thank reddead for the site, it has been a great that someone has tailored the guides around the place specifically for our hardware and shoved it in one place. You're in my bookmarks now. ;)
Andrew, i wanna get in contact with you my emails are linrunix@gmail.com, exiled_force00@hotmail.com. please reach me as soon as you can.
Hi reddead,
Thanks for this great site! I was using openSuSE with my laptop (thinking that Ubuntu was too...simple). Yet, I find out that everyday, Ubuntu can become different! With some of the nifty stuff Ubuntu has to offer, I decided to give a shot at it. I was searching everywhere for a proper tutorial for my Dell 1501 (for openSuSE), and I couldn't find any. But for Ubuntu, I bumped into yours. And I've never looked back since. Thanks for maintaining this site, and hope for more from ya soon!
These are some of the screenshots from my Ubuntu-1501 box:
Desktop: http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7198/screenshot01nh3.png
With Nautilus:
With Kopete:
With Firefox:
I've installed Compiz-Fusion, and it runs smoothly on my box. Only some parts were lagging (such as raindrops).
Once again, thanks reddead!
i'm running 64bit ubuntu with compiz and emerald on my inspiron 1501 and loving it (my experience with vista was less present, i do still use it occasionally via virtual machine)
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