Every once and a while I'll think about posting a news story, but my blog isn't really about news. If I start writing about current Linux development, I would have to actually update my blog on a semi-regular basis and would make it more of a job then an actual hobby. That why I'm excited about Full Circle Magazine. It is an independent magazine for the Ubuntu community. It covers all the Ubuntu flavors and has great articles and information that are useful for every Linux user. It covers Ubuntu news that I would love to blog about if I wasn't too lazy. If the first two issues are indicative of where this project is going, then I'm an excited Full Circle reader.
In case you missed them: Issue one covered - a MythTV and Scribus tutorial, a guide to the Linux directories and an interview with the Deluge BitTorrent client developer (which I am a fan of). Issue two covered - installing Kubuntu, Virtual Private Networking, an overview of great software for Ubuntu and a guide on installing Ubuntu on the Mac Mini.
Check out the magazine, let me know what you think, and maybe help contribute. Download Issues & Wallpaper Here
and yes I know this post would be considered a news story.
edited by pHreaksYcle
Hi, thank u for ur blog. i find it very useful and reliable for inspron 1501.
Do u know howto use the Hibernate and suspend mode on Ubuntu feisty?
use bios 1.7
I have 1.7 and my hibernate and suspend dosent work like it is supposed to. It will act like it is going into it, but it wont wake.
Great Find!!! You are a great resource for the Linux community. Thanx for the blog and keep it up!
Have a great Independence day!
Hibernate should work without a hitch. Suspend, which i rarely use, never has acted up on me. I don't know what to tell you.
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