Now for my HowTo:
First you need to change your splash resolution settings.
In a terminal:
sudo gedit /etc/usplash.conf
You need to edit the file to look like this:

Then to make the changes stick:
In a terminal type:
sudo update-usplash-theme usplash-theme-ubuntu
This is what your terminal output should look like:

Now you shouldn't have to wait 2 -3 minutes for your computer to load.
This information was passed onto me by a reader named Matt. Thanks Matt!
edited by pHreaksYcle
Tried to email at the Gmail account and it bounced. Please advise
my gmail account? it's working, i just checked it and published your comment.
man, in my case it was more than 2-3 mins! i tried re-installing, didn't help, so i tried installing ubuntu studio and the splash didn't load at all! thanks so much...
For some reason this caused a kernel panic error upon bootup. Looked on google and it seems to have happened to other people aswell. I had previously changed the resolution with startupmanager to 1024x768, so that might have something to do with it.
To fix it, I booted into the live cd, backed up my /home. Reinstalled and plopped my /home back in place. Except for a few drivers and apt-get's to be done, I was back where I was before.
Hit alt-f4 when you get to the blackscreen, it's alot faster using the text boot up rather than the graphical one.
Tengo un error "panic" al iniciar ubuntu 7.10, luego de cambiar utilizar el prcedimiento que descrives. Como podria solucionarlo
excellent, wish you knew how much this has been pissing me off
great work
I'm just removed words quiet splash from
/boot/grub/menu.lst file, related to menu and load OS rules. Now my loading is hacker's :) look like :)
For those who had the kernel panic error... or do not want to get the risk... a solution I found is that when booting, change to terminal 1 using Ctrl+Alt+F1, and then back to 8 using Ctrl+Alt+F8.
You'll see your booting in text mode.
Thanks a lot! You power!
Something strange... I was installing ubuntu 2 month ago. Applied this, all was ok. Today I have reinstalled it, applied this and ... my system crashed.. It says something like Bios BUG #81..., waits for a long time, than writes something else, etc...
Can this be, because I've included backports in source list? What can I do? :(
Something strange... I was installing ubuntu 2 month ago. Applied this, all was ok. Today I have reinstalled it, applied this and ... my system crashed.. It says something like Bios BUG #81..., waits for a long time, than writes something else, etc...
Can this be, because I've included backports in source list? What can I do? :(
Please have a look here:
Thanks, Denis.
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